Group Test Prep Packages
Get our confidence-building curriculum and expert tutors at a truly fantastic value. All courses include practice tests and a comprehensive improvement plan.
12 hrs
Want an overview of the SAT, ACT, or PSAT in a short amount of time? Our 12-hour program outlines test-taking strategies and helps students get practice with the format of tests. Recommended for those who are tight on time or who do not need a significant score increase.
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24 hrs
Dive deeper into your test preparation with our 24-hour program, designed to refine a student’s test-taking techniques and develop effective strategies. Great for those who want to develop their skills through repetition of concepts and improved test-taking strategies.
36 hrs
Our most comprehensive test preparation course, designed to deliver the widest range of content. This 36-hour option provides the best value of all of our test preparation packages and is ideal for students with highly ambitious score-improvement goals.